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545 Return to Golf/Tennis Set 5
Overhead squat with band: 2 sets x 10 reps
Reverse lunge: 2 sets x 10 reps per side
Hip hinge: 2 sets x 10 reps
Single leg hip hinge: 2 sets for 10 reps per side
Birddog: 2 sets x 10 reps per side
Hydrants with band: 2 sets x 10 reps per side
Lumbar lockout thoracic rotation: 10 reps with 3 second holds per side
Paloff Press: 10 x 3 second holds per side
Chops with band: 10 reps per side
Lifts with band: 10 reps per side
A-frame: 10 reps with 3 second holds per side
Corner pec stretch: 2 sets x 20 seconds
Lateral band walk: 6 x 15 steps
Monster walk 6 x 15 steps
Weighted farmer walk: 6 sets x 15 steps
Suitcase walk: 6 sets x 15 steps