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Improve the lives of your employees with IBS with integrative healthcare

Written by Beth Holloway, RN, M.Ed

IBS: More common than you know

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a gastrointestinal (GI) disorder with symptoms such as  diarrhea, constipation, and abdominal pain. This may interrupt a person’s daily activities and impact their quality of life. The American College of Gastroenterology estimates that up to 10-12% of adults in North America have IBS.

IBS is Associated With High Healthcare Costs

The American Journal of Managed Care published an article analyzing the costs associated with IBS. Direct costs attributable to IBS are estimated to be approximately $1.5 billion. However, based on a 1992 estimate of $8 billion, the adjusted direct costs may be as high as $10 billion, excluding pharmaceutical costs).

In addition, the indirect costs of IBS, largely the employers’, are estimated to be close to $20 billion. And, unmeasured indirect costs may be much higher as the estimate is based only on those who sought treatment for IBS.

How Can Integrative Health Help?

An integrative approach to IBS includes both conventional and complementary therapies and can meet your employees’ needs. The complementary therapies may include medicines and supplements, dietary support, relaxation techniques, and other lifestyle changes. Goodpath’s programs are tailored to the individual’s needs by our medical team and may include the same kinds of therapies.

The Canadian Association of Gastroenterology Guidelines for the Management of IBS, supported by a review in Canadian Family Physician, recommend both conventional and complementary treatments (e.g. peppermint oil, cognitive behavioral therapy [CBT]) for the treatment of IBS.

As a general approach to providing integrative care at the University of Michigan Integrative Medicine Clinic, 90% of patients reported that they were satisfied with their care for pain, digestive problems, mental health concerns, as well as several other medical conditions.

Goodpath Can Help Treat Your Employees Digestive Problems

The Goodpath approach combines evidence-based medicine and powerful technology to deliver better care that is easily accessible and less expensive. We leverage algorithms and a world-class medical team to develop personalized treatment programs for employees with back pain, sleep problems, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Our programs are all-inclusive and seamless to use, with pain, sleep, and nutrition coaching through video chat, text message, and email. The programs also include supplements delivered directly to employees’ homes; on-demand exercise programs; and mind-body interventions, like yoga and other relaxation techniques. All of our program components are scientifically-proven to be safe and effective. 

Our integrative program can help your employees manage their IBS. Get in touch with us at