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An IBS Case Study | 10 Years of IBS Ended + Reduced Anxiety

At Goodpath, our mission is to improve quality of life. 

This is the real story of Anthony. He found Goodpath through his employer for support with his IBS. 

Who Is Anthony

Anthony is a 44-year old man who had more than just a bad belly. He was once an active cyclist and liked to be outside. However, his digestive symptoms had been troubling him over the past 10 years, affecting his day-to-day quality of life.

Anthony had tried to resolve his symptoms before:

  • He visited multiple doctors and had blood tests done, but results always came up normal

  • He also tried to treat it himself with medicines and changes in his diet but those did not work for him either

He also had moderate anxiety which was exacerbating his IBS symptoms.

Anthony's Personalized Treatment Included Treating Anxiety

Following the short assessment, Goodpath created a completely personalized IBS treatment program for him. Goodpath has over 500 possible treatments available across multiple modalities of care. And each treatment is validated for clinically proven positive outcomes for a condition or aspects of a condition.

In Anthony’s case, the Goodpath process took the unique details of his condition, like his IBS severity and the presence of anxiety, and matched those details to specific treatment options that were right for him.

This was all supported by 1:1 video calls with his Goodpath health coach, who made modifications to his program as his health improved.

Measurable Results

After 3 months of treatment with Goodpath, Anthony feels much better with results that can be measured in addition to felt.

  • Previously, Anthony had an IBS Severity Score of 180, which was moderate severity. After Goodpath treatment, this dropped to well within normal ranges and is considered in remission.

  • Anthony had a moderate anxiety disorder, as measured on the GAD-2 scale. After Goodpath, his anxiety is also much lower and is well-controlled. 

Anthony’s IBS symptoms are now so much better that he can start biking again. 

He has completed his IBS program but keeps doing the mindfulness exercises for his stress and has new discipline on a diet that avoids trigger foods. 

He valued the Goodpath treatment so much that he asked to keep staying with Goodpath, saying “Can we add focusing on my back pain now?”