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Does your company support telehealth technology for employees?

Written by Goodpath Medical Team

Employees are increasingly demanding the convenience of virtual care, particularly since the start of COVID-19. In some cases, virtual care is the only option available to employees seeking access to care. 

A recent survey determined the volume of virtual healthcare interactions was 10 times greater than pre-COVID-19 rates. Following wide-spread deployment of telehealth infrastructure in March and April 2020, large health systems, like NYU Langone Health, have seen telemedicine visit volumes sky-rocket by more than 500%. It's likely the trend will only continue to grow.

This is the best time to get on board, if your company isn't already. A survey of digital solutions found that a quarter of employees say digital health tools would have a positive impact on their decision to stay with employers. As a result, close to 70% of employers are planning to increase their investment in digital health solutions over the next 5 years.

Healthier, Productive, Loyal Employees 

If your company is going to start investing in employee health, it's worth looking into the best option for your money. Integrative care uses both conventional and complementary therapies, which are typically guided by a medical professional. Goodpath’s programs are tailored by our  medical team and include supplements, mind-body therapies, exercise, nutrition, and more.

Millennials value a whole-person approach to wellness. Employers who offer personalized programs that address biological, behavioral, social, and environmental concerns are likely to appeal to this generation. This may be further enhanced when the offerings are app-based.

Companies benefit as well; a cost utility analysis of an integrative approach to back pain, for example, reduced up to 23 doctors appointments per year, treated back pain 4 times faster than conventional care, and saved 12 working days per year. Additionally, the approach lowered pharmaceutical costs by over 85%, as observed in an analysis of claims and patient survey data.

Technology is quickly evolving within the healthcare industry. In order to keep up, the approach to employee health also needs to advance.

Our Digital Health Programs

The Goodpath approach combines evidence-based medicine and powerful technology to deliver better care that is easily accessible and less expensive. We leverage algorithms and a world-class medical team to develop personalized treatment programs for employees with back pain and behavioral health as it relates to sleep and digestive problems.

Our programs are all-inclusive and seamless to use, with pain, sleep, and nutrition coaching through video chat, text message, and email. They also include supplements delivered directly to employees’ homes; on-demand exercise programs; and mind-body interventions, like yoga and other relaxation techniques. All of our program components are scientifically-proven to be safe and effective. 

Let us help you save medical costs and empower your employees with better care. Get in touch with us at

Learn how Goodpath can help your employees

Employees who sit at desks (e.g. tech industry)

Employees who stand (e.g. manufacturing, retail industries)